Wednesday, August 10, 2016


An era swimming in love
with Frank O'Hara
his fixed smile
transfixed as a guide
close to the earthy verse
by lifting a beer
at the Cedar Bar
keeping at your''lunch poems"
intact and we arrive
as the smell of a shower
of rained out circumstance
at the five star training gym
with dressing down
in sheets finding as you out
with a circus clown
in town on the elevator
your bodywork of laundering
with your one night stand
as Alex Katz paints your nexus
facing the city
with an accent by an unlit street
at midnight's soundproof jazz
near love traffic by Central Park
asking us two to play piano
for two hands by Mozart
in bare feet at the faulty window
where pigeons reside forever
near the open door
when taxi cabs await you
others flag down a limo
for those uptown
knowing your showing up late
running in the taut breeze
perspiring in a sweater
from a colorful portrait.

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