Tuesday, December 31, 2013

We tolerate what we cannot speak of.

An expression of love is always a hidden confession of much more.

Some hope to purchase a bed, a sofa to read on or a pew without paying

the upholstery costs to service it or forgetting the time to sleep on it.

We return to the faith of childhood with a childhood's faith.

Prosperity first signals tourism, a wish to get away.

Liberals enjoy the morning headlines, conservatives the evening news,

believers already have the good news.

Going to the opera is always an aesthetic excuse to head for the stage.

Art tries to rescue the already drawn lover.

Politics is always a sickly mediocre way to power followed by a lover's

excuse to take cover when persuasion deflowers.

Politics, sex and religion manipulate each other.

When the last lover cannot face the music a new lover improvises

on how to score.

Americans are eternal optimists, the Jewish people with their history

of worldly success yet will not turn to pessimism, hence their dilemma.

Today Europe's Jews are caught between the definitive and dhimintude.

Every writer always has a great aunt and dilettante in his life.

Poets are rebels taking up arms even against themselves.

A few men love to worship in truth, a few women worship the truth

to love.

America is dominated by the middle class, the middle -aged and middle


The formerly religious feel like lost souls.

Disappointed lovers and poets were neither either.

Artists make the zaniest statements on politics, politicians do like-wise

about art.

Opera is for those who combine melodrama of the queen the act of

betrayal of a king, and the vocal music of the Royal courtiers.

Those obsessed with pedigree are close to dogs.

Poets with a handwriting problem, invariably write well.

Epistles are for seekers of truths, lovers compose letters for others, poets

write for themselves.

Oh that novel look of a first lover-take cover!

If life is an accidental birth, no wonder predestination is by faith.

The economic world is divided by those who lose things, and those who

lose everything.

A chin speaks volumes.

Since everyone applied, everyone lost.

Those who usually demand reform, refuse the lessons of their own


Some who spill their seed have forgotten the cool of the garden

Those who constantly sing lyrics about love must learn to refrain and

rehearse with automatic intonation.

It takes only small arms to fire.

Atheists found their own religion.

Religion is divided between Saducees and its seducers.

A middle aged darkness when the church and state ruled in a universal hell.

Some souls find the cross obtrusive, they prefer a to live crosswise.

Music idols are image-bound to their imitative worshippers.

Fascism is an idolatry of pretense, a carnival only to the invited.

A Jewish identity is folly to the nations.

No one is neutral to the history of the Jews.

The artificial are invariably profane.

Maxims are miniscule, aphorisms are life size.

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