Thursday, November 5, 2015


Jolts in my body
hitting the wall
hearing barefoot fans
interceding for us
by road beds on river ruts
our shaken up bodies
near birds on statues
singing by tree stumps
at the first hour of dawn
by indelible tracks
on distant paths
crosswise near green hills
some recounting time
others wishing to make
a record for themselves
under reconveyed bridges
soon with wobbling knees
and sweated shoulder pain
bodies with feet blisters
cramping hope on rugged terrain
far from home
with one hand clasping
from two sidelined
recumbent leaning bodies
wishing us well
all in search for meaning
or here for charity
as our salt eyelids
rivet from its blur
wanting oxygen
and a bottle of water
rising to a jazz rhythm
keeping in the lane
forgetting past riffs
by helping one beside us
to get up from the grass
hearing sax music on the field
of a recent blueberry harvest
grinding around us
with fourteen hours left
to mimic last night's sleep
yet pressing toward
the recondite right landmarks
gambling on this day's calling
with no stop watch
not quitting until dark
until the yellow finish line
appears out of now where
yet miles not acquainted
or time acquitted
falling short for rest
in my path by a golf course
near crooked peaks
and red birch
as runner ups in landslips
over greensward dales
trying to be undaunted
but not fully understanding
why here at my age
taking turns over this time
off and on windy lashes
unlaced in a chalk circle
following an eagle on the Bay
not frightened by a skin head
on the side of the road
in any gifts of suggestion
but with our better life spirit
my heart seeking more water
yet determined and vigilant
to keep running the race
in a touch patch of life
without strength of flesh
near St. Joseph's church
now too hungry to change lanes
but to shower quickly
without inspecting any damage
get into a coat of many colors.

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