Wednesday, July 29, 2015

(August )

On such August days
by the winds revelation
cast on my orange kayak
under the sun's rays
sponged on my naked back
burning fulgently
as we lunged on the salty sea
four urchins laughingly play
amid the shore's white sand
they build a castle
like vassals in middle ages
not knowing it won't last long
even after high tide by afternoon
as we swim under dunes
of egrets and songbird
and our trek to the shore
reluctantly in a breathless malaise
from a parental storm
waiting for the dusk to inspire
and insure our hiking ways
trying to be a friend
who collapses on a warm blanket
tired after her run
speaking of fulcrums of love
near the gazebo's gust of wind
staring at the emptiness
without an hour's weight
putting down an anchor
amid the thunder's hiss
near a pillar of fireflies
on the barbeque's grill
where we have a repast
with a hearty review
of fresh salad and other foods
from our cart's satchel
with roasted meat and veggies
underneath a wild rose bush
amid the green shrubbery
shadows step near us
with nearby voices
offering  us a cup of vanilla coffee
taking photos with my camera
of herons on low branches
digging for an eye of waters
and here is this poet
writing an elegy in mind
on these dog days
murmuring like the crickets
doing cross words
under an Evergreen tree of birds
wishing for a prayer and praise.

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