Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Chant to me
Lautreamont with love

for the transmuted words
to make everyone's phrases

as one limitless lexicon
in a Pascal dictionary

of quoted fervent meditations
over third chronicled graces

from mangled mirrors
in your ambulatory quotes

on trespassed made up faces
where destiny waits

on exiles on islands
continents and archipelagos

in deserts thirsting
for lost traces

of disappointed excavations
or dug up horizons

impervious records
of updated trials of sentences

in gulag snows
bloodied by coffins

with funeral directors
watching the last deer leaps

there is a copy
of your verses everywhere

in Las Vegas motels
of second chances

and comings amid fawning
illustrations reading you quietly

in corners of gated
Potemkin villages

by German concentrations
on scientific amnesty

by coroners of round two
camps of laboratory experiments

bad mouths Orwellian language
of 1984 out of context

with post war Fassbender
film stars as the STASI

spies on the underlines
of poll watchers in Berlin

there under moldy blinds
in housetops crowds watch

under seven stories told
by the mass media

about Nazi zoo parades
connecting battled tested

veterans of Stalingrad war games
by the unhooked gaping wide

flings from head quarters
of the cartels and brothels

a former crematoria S.S. general
visits an Argentine small town

by the farmers produce
at the general store

here once iron clad wings flee
a common dimentia caseload

at a mocking bird club generally
wishes for a friendless memory

hears a singing canary (1968)
at Prague and Paris windows

near the Texas border
an unprotected guard

with the former Peronist mustache
washes in the gold dusty town

hearing your voice, Lautreamont
a farmhand takes bids for an auction

of paintings stolen in Vichy
during the watershed year,'43

located in a used bookstore
by a lost Maldoror

relocated in Stalag,1943
even they have your number

that number remains
on your arms intact for history

you find Lautreamont
in a Jerusalem library.

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