Tuesday, July 1, 2014


In Latin texts to follow
Hebrew and Greek
from St. Paul's version
and sorrowful interpretation
takes a leap out of
his own reputation
in the early church
and began to seek his Lord
by pleasing his Messiah
after having an epiphany
on the road to Damascus
in a Saul / Paul  conversion
from a once blinded vision
in his desire and search
for the living God
after witnessing Yeshua
or in English, Jesus,
and asking His forgiving
as he became an apostle
to the Gentiles
giving the Tarsus a reward
serving the Lord
which often ended
in a fatal ostracism
over grace and law
from Jacob and Esau
as new believers
are faced in a schism
over issues as circumcision
and threatened
with a new catechism
and with the sword,
yet the Creator
gave him a revelation
after he had indulged
himself in persecution
of the church
he was saved
from the enemies,
for ironically in the cross
was the salvation
of his own nation,
yet he knew as a rabbi
who was greater
than his own nature,
as he wrote his letters
from Corinth to Ephesus
and even met Agrippa
among his betters
who is almost persuaded,
but like the foolish Emperor
people had to know
that from the creator
there could be
life rising from the dead,
like -wise the slave
was called
to behave for His master
not in a despised disgrace
nor from religious legalism
but in supernatural grace,
for everyone now was equal
in God's sight
both Jewish and Gentile
for a higher affection
on a dark night
he looked above to heaven
without needing a kippa*
to go on his head
asking us to be without guile
as he passes the bread
and drinks the wine
in communion or Kiddish
all may become in the Son
leavened with love yet divine.

* skull cap

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