Pop music personalities
pop stars like Lady Gaga
or Madonna
even pop eye characters
are accepted
have been on T.V.
and not rejected
because of their sex
no one is unteachable
or unreachable
or put on the index
or inquisition
today we are free
in our standing,sitting
or understandable position,
everyone is respectable
none are rejects,
even for the general public
concave or convex
celebrities sit at the table
like Cain or Abel
and the world accepts us
playing their
undermined parts
in leisure's fine arts,
as tv critics enjoy
a transvestite singer
beyond girl or boy
who has her own show,
or a fair lesbian dancer
is on the air in pink slips
for her new reality show
called "Without a Name"
she will not let go
or take any blame
life is more than a game
as she lip sinks
to the words of Sappho,
and drinks in her fame
as poet and romancer
there is no more shame,
enough of stereotypes
wankers of all stripes
Oscar Wilde knew
it was only publicity
and personality
that alone rings true
everything else,
go screw,
no one tonight
is too up tight
or detached
for a serious discussion
of any difference
of sex or gender
as in Rosencavalier,
it's all matched up
for the ratings,
not in which datings,
today everything is free
in the mass media
like mtv,
our slogan
in our program
is equality
based on
no more rejection
or orientation
we have our own strategy
for each presentation
has its own history
and geography
in any direction,
why should we accept
any of society's rejection
or why not vote in
the next election
a candidate of free speech,
for in popular culture
there is a vivisection
and teach-in analysis
on today's telly's
steamy underbelly
of what passes
for pleasure,
you may even
for good measure
French kiss
its critic,director
or producer
who is a venture capitalist
turned social activist
who was once a vulture
and under stress
and pressure
not long ago
slit his wrist.
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