Monday, January 9, 2017


Received the last Moscow cable
on the Cyrillic keyboard
from Idaho, 1943
after your noisy defection
from a dereliction of duty
in Boise
for not following orders
(you did not think)
to transfer secret
whenever the Brink funds
were rushed in transfer
over the Mexican border
by way of once Fiume, Italy
to Stalin at a chess tournament
when your wife and life
were compromised
and you were not able
to defect as a courier
living between a media love
of the Party and your country
in the election of 1944
and all for naught
doing nothing except
for the nostalgia
of being taught dialectics
on the day bed
at the Red School house
in New Hampshire
near the pacifist preacher
and to some a confirmation
a less than Marxist teacher
(with no Card of information)
on the Willard Uphaus school
in qualification
for the eins Welt government
melting down the Golden Rule
for the undisclosed
proposed United Nations
after reading Edmund Wilson's
"To the Finland Station"
as State Dept. of Roosevelt
wants to elect the clown Wallace
in another compromise
of another sell-out news
again of Warsaw
and the Jews
when Diego Rivera
and Freida Kahlo
found the last Trotsky
letter amid the poems
in the hidden correspondence
of Gorky and Pasternak.

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