Wednesday, August 26, 2015


In the wrinkled memory
of a French mirror
on a now braided face
you toothed a bas relief
through a holed up
mad century
in your faithful poems
where we know each other

Reaching for a handshake
in the Big Apple
for my visible guest
drawn to his presence
with an acrid image
waited for his appearance
you already know,

Speaking of life's exile, grace
bravery in a future recollection
of our letters
it was out of Bloomsbury
he spoke of his betters
in these almost tame days
boasting of his opposition
to any political war gimic
or an ignition of private games,

As a modern watchful poet
with a transparent greeting
over a public read
we discover our bench
with slippery aster flowers
near a wine bottle and napkins
we're on a search for phrases
within a prophetic hour
of a late Auden
at a sunlight meeting.

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