Thursday, December 29, 2016


After a fix
for the wounded
and hunted
for his wounded words
all over Nicaragua
Felix Ruben Dario
in Managua
slips away
in the sunshine
for it was a surreal
time of inconvenience
when ever day
offered him a sentence
for life
in a knock down
in a concealed
punching bag
he grabs onto a phrase
to save his life
from his unmade bed
he feels too fevered
of reverie
and Latin's obscure signs
in a missal
he wanders like Reverdy
like the stars
through a century
of poverty's
universal dismissals
spilling milk and riddles
by the  homeless cat
seeking in language
to assuage his hurt
with revelations of solace
or in a fiesta to flirt
wishing sea voyages
in a landlocked country
he scatters like Medusa
over his pawn brokered
once stolen globe
holding onto
Spanish proverbs
garnished spices and herbs
by a varnish table you set
my red marginalized
city notebooks
he suddenly realized
in a destiny without regret
imagining a Judas tree
near a Jesus one
with  carob and hyacinths
in the sun
Dario's day
has begun in a still life
with unjust solitude
in rambles
of elegies
he adjust a bard's mood
of deflowered reunions
he knows about
after a night chill
unmasks grief
from unholy idols
and on sandy faces
and statues of saints
kisses painted on
rungs of Jacob's ladder
from holy tongues
colorful words are plastered
on city walls
under the stars above
amid a love revolution.

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