Thursday, December 1, 2016


Your knowledge
of collages
like edges
of minimal art
with less of the brush
in precision for an exercise
that we rush toward
may be imprecise and hidden
in part of fragmentation
as basic pigment is crushed
toward a culture in an id
of your sculpture and painting
from the New York school
by interior rooms
as the liberated shapes
of an individual tone
instead instructed
the particulars into vermilion
of linear arrangement
drapes the sunny windows
as in "Roon 113 Red"
in its area's shadows
from the initial "Blues"
dissolves its collateral colors
into cobalt, gold, pink,
blurring the marginal
in a miracle of wonder
undersold in the minimal
by a faultless buffer
to its directness
and liberate a color surface
in cahoots and in part
from a supervised chance
of form in tracing zones
poised for a short distance
in palette and elemental plate
from a tenuous technique
in the roots and theory
from the tree of knowledge
at the dry bones of art
forming an ambiguous state
to make us aware to think.

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