Saturday, October 29, 2016


Prophets and poets
expect incidental dreams
or monumental visions,
not unlike Byron ,Shelley, Keats
today we call it enlightenment
when its entity is of the mind
and sent brain waves
depositing ideas to an Einstein
or an Eisenstein
rather than of a better pure spirit
yet we endure
by receiving our lover's letter
depositing winding gifts
for instance a kiss on target
or by chance a metamorphosis
at the sunny soccer meet
here with my undercover jacket
hiding from a slew of bees
under a scarf of Fall leaves
feeling abandoned
when I  notice
by a lonely Evergreen
a Japanese actor in green sleeves
doing Kabuki
believing even in my despair
acting out or
a reciting few psalms
are offering to promise me
even a doubting Thomas
facing the faithless enemy
or  having Yeats  walk with me
experiencing cabin fever
at the Isle of Innisfree
or Heine or Celan
feeling prejudice in Germany,
thinking there was no one here
to pray ,smile or rejoice with me
yet her open air performance
on the grass
lifted up my day
and made life all clear
as the melancholy passes away.

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