Friday, January 1, 2016




1. Emily Dickinson gave instructions that her poems by destroyed the same

was said about Kafka's prose but Lavinia for Emily and Brod for Franz Kafka

said no,and the rest made literary history. Unfortunately for Gogol, he was

going through religious ideation and destroyed some of his works. O Lord,

have mercy on us writers.

2. Many literary writers convert than in old age return to the faith of their

childhood and fathers. For others their conversion for them is their redemption.

3. To be Messianic Jewish and believe in the Lord: Mandelstam, Pasternak, BZ Niditch,

Heine,Mendelsohn, Disraeli.

4. The Messiah trumps ethnicity and eccentricity.

5. If we be catholic we are universal, if we be protestant we will protest injustice

in religion, if we be Orthodox Christian it is to be back to Jesus roots, if we be Jewish is to be the

religious root and seed of the Messiah is to have a life and religion often hidden from man

because of persecution,if to be Orthodox Christian our life is hid with God in Christ.

6.Catholicism combined Aquinas and Jesus,  Jacques and Raissa Maritain had the philosophic

and aesthetic understanding of it.

7. Kierkegaard wanted to return to the militant love for God in a greater, less state Lutheranism

way. Bonhoeffer was in a social justice part of protestantism when he eventually opposed national


8. I met God at my confirmation.

9.Israel is the mystery of God, the in gathering of a people with an eternal destiny; Buber,

Herschel, the late Israeli Rabbi Kaduri have understood.

10.Israel is set apart but her roots are universal, the eternal spiritual mother of us all.

11. Anyone who loves or attempts to love God cannot be an antisemite; Berdiaev,

Solovyev, Dostoyevsky, Simone Weil even in the deepest dark recesses of their soul.

12. Mercy is the unique Jewish concept that Israel through her prophets introduced to the pagan


13. Jewish and Arab have God's plan, Isaiah 19 -23, 24.

14. Every Jew senses the enemy, every Christian knows who he is.

15. Every devil is untrustworthy and ungrateful.

16. A prophetic heart tears. A pathetic heart fears.

17. No one can reach another's abyss.

18. Those who are conscious of sin cannot enjoy their own personal arrogance.

19. One cannot bargain with misfortune. Luck is from Lucifer.

20. Wounds remain alone ,no one can forgive pain.

21.Arrogance breeds its own religion.

22. Suffering spares misunderstanding.

23. The souls of the dying mean more to us than living saints.

24. Prophets know nothing except to need God.

25.Catholicism allows for purification rites and wrongs.

26. Only faith does not make you feel inferior or superior.

27. New converts quickly speak in new tongues.

28. Music is the melancholy's escape.

29.The already punished fear a blessing.

30. Consolation has few followers.

31. Religion is a kept soul.

32. Yiddish(combining Hebrew and German)has the drama of the Jews,Ladino is the language of

Sephardic Jews; Mendes -France (from my mother's side) Pasternak, Modigliani, Derrida;

the Hebrew God's language of the Jews.

33. Absolute good must be a God forsaken man, hence Christianity's good news.

34. The saddest Jew, who thinks he is the exception.

35. The first Baptist found God, then lost his head.

36. Poets are priests with their own gods, like acrobats who twist in the wind.

37. Suffering of all human preoccupations alone maintains itself.

38. Begin the day with Bach, psalms, gospels.

39. No one is neutral on the Jewish question but only God has an answer.

40. Influenced by the Bible; Blake, Doestoyevski,Tolstoi, and Brecht.

41. Homer, Milton, Borges, the blind poets

42. Jewish  liberal self criticism, liberal Christian high criticism.

43. An anti semite can never understand a Jewish joke except it involve death.

44. Jews often seek analysis, go to a school for it and graduate in spite of it.

45. Christians are asked to be pure, the Gentiles to be good, Jews to be educated.

46. Jews have a stigma,Catholics have the stigmata, others merely stigmatize.

47. To  the world Jesus,Marx and Freud are Jewish medicine men.

48. The nations wish the universalize the Jews, believers cannot.

49. The Jewish death wish is carried out by the nations.

50. Only God proposed and is betrothed to Israel.

51. If Jews learnt their lesson, their teacher would be God.

52. Israel's conscience between creation and cremation.

53. Antisemitism is the hypertension of the body politic.

54. Some live to pick up partners, others to put down religion.

55. The Red Sea passed over socialist Jews and downed them.

56. We tolerate what we cannot speak of.

57. We return to the faith of our childhood with the faith of a child.

58.One can protest without being a Protestant, to be catholic without being a

    Catholic, one cannot be Jewish without persecution by oneself or others.

57. To put on Habit- our religion.

58. Greek, a language of God or gods.

59. God the image of good.

60. Demigod- what every politician aspires to.

61. Anti Christ -the last incarnation of the Holy Roman Empire.

62. Harold Bloom Alter ego alternative and representative of Western Civilization.

Allan Bloom- Ego alternative for Saul Bellow.

63. Bertocci Brothers , personalism in religion, my teachers of Western Civilization

64. What death is not untimely.

65. Religious revivals save souls, musical and artistic ones save only reputations.

66. Life like Bach is a two part invention.

67. Evangelists are easy targets for those without faith but humor.

68. People  live by chance and die by nonchalance.

69. Torah, Word is truth.

70.Every art seems voyeuristic or politically fetishistic.

71. History is the teleology of Israel.

72. Man's judgment on God is his judgment of himself.

73. Genes sponsor genius.

74. Revolution roots against God.

75. Poets are like jam ;they are what preserves.

76. What has killed France, her politicians, England her Empire, Germany her
 ghosts, what has saved Russia, her poets, what has saved America ,her God

 and freedom.

77. Health is a body of thought.

78. No one wants to be the best man.

79. All comedy originates with Sterne.

80. Jews are blessed by hope, Catholics by their Popes, Protestants are just trying

     to cope.

81. Everyone has a belief in chance, pagans call it fate, the Christians providence,

     and revival,the Jews only hope for survival.

82. One cannot imagine Mozart in a bad place or Salieri in heaven.

83. Freud is about rabbi fathers who are dead, Marx about rabbi fathers who were once

     read,Jesus's is a rabbi whose father is God and gives us a step ahead.

84. Read Conrad when you are young and imaginative, read Dickens when you are

      a teen and naive,read Tolstoy when you are adolescent and idealistic, Dostoyevsky when you

     are young and melancholy, read Kafka when you are ready for a genius of any age.
 85.  The miracle of Chekhov is like life of any age,we he goes on and on and we with him.

86. Even saints are ready for complaints.

87. Jews are the egalitarian pawns on the totalitarian chess board.

88. One can spot an Italian by his suit, a Frenchman by his charm, an Englishman by his hat, a

    Russian by his teeth.

89. In the American South, the Poe society ;in the East the Browning Society, in

     the middle west there is no society to speak of.

90. Some socialists have no class.

91. Lenin was taken over by John Lennon.

92. Long suffering spares a short misunderstanding.

93. Melancholy has its own majority, it satisfies the punishment of genius.

94. Every art is voyeuristic.

95.Idealism is the haven of the relaxed mind.

96. Man's judgment on God is his judgment of himself.

97. Like TS Eliot I read Arthur Symons on symbolism in poetry which changed my life, like

     Geoffrey Hill I read Tate's "Ode to the Confederate Dead" which changed my life.

98. Israel, a light to the nations; Jesus the light of the world.

99. Messianic Zionism for Jews and and Gentiles - Christians.

100. Such suffering even for a King.

101. The end times, a rupture of everything or rapture for God.

102. Listening to Bach's psalm 51, shows the calm disciple and discipline for

       a servant who loves his King, despite everything.

103. Was I born in the wrong time, you ask of yourselves more than once, God

       has His predestination for each creator and creation as He is.

104. No matter,flooded on earth
        on sands and stars above
        you are covered  by His blood
        and discovered by His love.

105. Judaism-Exploring and imploring for God's infinity and humanity;Christianity-

        weighing and obeying at God's love.

106. The state of religion and the political region makes one feel you are righteous and at the

        same time left out.

107. Wanting to speak yet transform
         language line by line
         is for this poet and reporter
         to sum up the age
         only God knows
         how the order forms our time
         in a thesis or metamorphosis
         what will age or divine
         in a synthesis or recorder
         perhaps in a verse of rhyme.

108. It always amazes me how many think about God and the majority who could not give a


109. Year one-God in His own image became man; Last days-Man in his own image
         became god whom he recalled  as dead.

110.  Image is everything in Lucifer's light.

111.  God chose creation,Lucifer recreation.

112. Infinite love, Infinite life, infinite mercy.

113. Torment lasts you think but a moment. Eternity is but a twinkling of an eyelash.

114. Prayer, the Devil always delays her.

115. The Devil's Trill sonata ,a skill on the violin always with strings attached.

116. Talmudic argument, speaking at a loss without the cross but with cross examination.

117. The Devil is no gentlemen no matter the garment he wears up to his sleeves.

118. Reasoned and content with no reason or content without God.

119. Unbelievers want life insurance, believers life's assurance.

120. Sin has torment for a long moment.

121. Haughtiness leads to naughtiness, high mindedness has no need of kindness.

122. God's will and freedom and wisdom or the Devil's skill to Sodom.

123. The Devil's hold and holds up on you, steals from you.

124. The politicians of the New World Order are merely Satan's pawns on a huge universe of a

     bagged chessboard but Christians and believing Jews have an acting King.

125. To be double minded is to be trouble minded, absent minded and blinded.

126. God takes care but the devil make care with his savoir faire is the prince of light on the

       shadowy airwaves and  media who does not behavior like the Savior.

127.  Religion has a history of rules, regulations, Sanhedrin, Inquisition, interrogations.

128.  What saves Christianity is what saves its Christians behaving in a savior's hope, faith, love.

129   Who asks God to pray for us or masks Himself to be silent at the Cross and close to being a


130 .Pride is the cousin of sin, a morally relative relationship from our divorce and separation

         from our Father.

131.  Northrup Frye- catholic literary scholar.

132.  Metaphors of false royalties and false loyalties, Caesar, Czar, Kaiser, Shah, Hitler.

133.  Hebrew- life from death; Yiddish -death from life.

134.  German-Jewish relations like Assyria and Israel.

135. Still one who is Jewish dreams, writes, speaks in German. It must be psychological, more

 than logical, deep within the Jewish psyche, like Sephardic souls who remember a Golden Age.

136. Judaism, man is himself, so is God; in humanism man is himself without a god or prayer,in

mysticism, gnostic or cabala  there is interpretation from half human and half godly; Christianity

the man God reaching out to humanity where man is not himself, from Rimbaud, "I am not

himself",and from Nietzche who pronounced the death of god there is despair and renunciation

wishing like the Greek that he wishes he himself was not born unlike Christianity's reborn human


137. To love God at any time is as an intimate alone knowing there is a return and learning

experience in a process of tenderness and uniqueness.

138. Forsaken by God reveals who is God.

139. T.S.Eliot in a theological sense tersely parodies the cries of his characters and comments

psychologically on Dante and Cavalcanti in his own poetry and history for any eventual post

Christian or post Judaic Zionism reality of the world.

140. God fearing at the King's blood ,as the Jewish souls bearing his cloth,death, burial, salvation,

resurrection, long suffering but not knowing their king.

141. The first century hailing Jesus; Middle ages Holy Grail at a time of myth and the holy grail,

Seig heil of the twentieth century blasphemy.

142. Jesus,son of David gave us spirituality, Marx grandson of rabbis in the name of humanity

gave us athiest materialism, the Stasi.

143. The cross carried by Jesus of forgiveness, taken and carried to a pogrom in a double cross.

144. Idolatry stalks and talks at the beauty of a religious ceremony and testimony in an

ignoramus blasphemous folly at Jesus.

145. Only religion could give to God a blasphemous name.

146. Religion punishes its own sects by its own laws.

147. State religion with its jealous barbarian rules guards its sectarian laws keeping out of its

Babel and Babylonian tower any tongue of love or grace freely given by God to flower on the


148.Church People talk of the anti Christ as not deceased but will not believe their fascinated or

averted eyes when  see him as an unreasonable beast.

149. Those who pity rarely have any sympathy.

150. Those who live with a political, racial, sexual or religious grievance have no other


151. God raises up people to intercede and fulfill His domestic and foreign policy based on

        His good news to receive and believe His compassionate love for whatever state they are in.

152. Everyone is in exile not in Jerusalem or new Jerusalem.

153. All the contradictions and paradoxes of Messianic Christianity make it true.

154. What other faith experiences a shared love letter of our closest friend every day.

155.  Jesus and St. Paul had sorrow in their heart for Israel yet know they will be saved.

156. Expect a revolution to expose you to fraud and a kleptocracy, a firing squad without

any democracy or God.

157. Unamed love may be punished and shamed but is not tamed.

158. Quarrels do not make for laurels.

159. The selfish who hate their difficult life have a wish fulfillment of a cherished death cult over others.

160. Resignation for politicians or for many of the clergy or a jury is better than their indignation.

161. When a man demands from his humanity or a woman shreds her vanity we have a morality


162. A religious education lets you know you how to think; a secular education, what to think.

163. A lazy preacher in the body of Christ has no mind of Messiah to be a teacher.

164. Those who cleverly earn a degree, never how to learn to be set free.

165. Those who thrive on others wisdom do not survive in freedom.

166. Love is always consolation and reconciliation, never deliberation.

167. Praise does not change a moment of wisdom it changes and raises our view of freedom.

168. A poet is vocal and responsive even in his local experience of how expressive to live.

169. A woman who is theatrical may be too beautiful to be agreeable, even to be still , tranquil

or even to be mortal.

170. Those who reach a degree of piety have their own teachable habit of propriety.

171. Those who label, libel or curse are not able to withstand the Bible's verse to love.

172. The American Pilgrims wanted to keep Hebrew in their heart to make a new Jerusalem

as part of their journey to the New World.

173. The Puritans in their compact and devotions impacted and promoted the laws that Europe

forgot in their commotions notions and flaws and gave hope to believers.

174. The Jansenists and Carmelites , German pietists , and Russian Old Believers tried to reform

their singular devotions of encountering God in an individual reformation.

175. Those who claim to hate hate speech seem without love.

176. God must have a standing invite for his friends whom he understands if they are late

he is always just on time.

177. Higher criticism in Germany and self criticism in psychology lead to a loss of faith

and of religious identity.

178. One gains and loses faith gradually.

179. One can easily find religion more than God.

180. Man at least once in his life believes in man or wants to be a man of the world  but

rarely believes in the God man who is not of this world.

181. No one voice can outlaw God as man reproduces his own image.

182. The new man of socialism is the old man of Stalin and Pol Pot.

183. Utopian athiesm and dystopian  plans of collectivism try their more or less than human

experiments on others not themselves.

184. The paintings of Rousseau, Lucian Freud and Bacon have left us namesakes of their own


185.Fairness, autonomy and dissension are hallmarks of being free.

186. Those who labor are rewarded with a union of their own protection.

187.The idea of denominations lead to religious wars of abominations in many nations.

188.The idea of a mother church often kills her children.

189. A culture of torture leads to torture of a culture.

190.Nature cannot insure man's maturity.

191.The Jews are unlike our shoes;no one will wear them out.

192. Catholics keep the faith;Protestants have faith; Jews need to be reminded God is faithful.

193. Athiests look around for trouble and are double minded; thiests  seek to be of sound mind

and single minded.

194. A poet must live in a city by a river of life which influences him or her.

195.Only in silence can we hear a still voice of abstention and good mention.

196. We tolerate and update what we cannot speak of.

197. Fascism is a pretense without eyes who cannot hear other cries.

198. Today art and psychology make up religion.

199. Zen poetry is a riddle even to its believers; Christianity is the way, and truth of a life in God.

200. Some of the male sex is always inspecting, and some the female is always expecting.

201.Silence conquers no one.

202. Even wedlock has its deadlock.

203. Fear makes men sin who insincere and women are aware.

204. Poets are under the constant chance of surveillance.

205. Everyone knows when they are in trouble a double resides in themselves.

206. Men's promises often need to see the wounds St. Thomas.

207. There are no sects or sex created without good wishes or selfish excuses.

207. The poverty of knowing one's own limitation knows that wisdom has no imitation.

208. There is no shield in conversing with a friend in another field in which you have no interest.

209. Justice rarely wins out from the majority of tyranny in public opinion.

210. Misery breeds great dreams.

211.Those who say men are criminals or animals,think men not understood are intrinsically no


212. Jewish by inheritance, Catholic by persuasion, Protestant by reality.

213. The world is divided by believers who love the least of us; and those who are merely brute

beasts who choose not to love.

214. We either instruct our world or deconstruct it.

215. It is better to praise the Lord above for his love letters to us than for us on earth to answer


216. If God be our witness he is always our advocate.

217. There is a demon of ignorance which must be cast out if there be any chance for intelligence.

218. The wise do not advertise their dread of life.

219. There is little purity in love or war; just incessant combat.

220. Those who expect a world without the poor have a poor expectation of life.

221. Health of body and wealth of soul resides in truth.

222. History leads one to a second act of the general will.

223. Can you imagine a long winter without the Festival of Lights or Christmas; it is months of

 total darkness; Buchenwald, the Gulag.

224. You suddenly realize you are a minority  of one; religiously,philosophically, sexually. Then

you  mull it over and turn it over to God.

225. Religion is never for the mindless as the world says; you have the Messiah's mind if you

possess God or God possesses you with all his kindness.

226. Those who feel double crossed by religion have not known  trouble God for their disbelief.

227. Some Jewish souls feel double crossed; Jesus became an excuse for a state religion and

antisemitism; Marx with its hope of a withering away of the state became an excuse for Stalinism

and more statelessness; Freud gave way to all states of mind for the double minded.

228. In the world a compromising situation should not surprise you.

229. Always take in the sound of notes in the underground before you get fresh air or hear the

city blues.

230. Music characterizes the Beat poet who surprises us on our feet.

231. Your own sanctuary ministers and sings in tongues of angels within the body of Messiah.

232. God surprises with his love for what is good, the enemy despises what is his hatred and is

always misunderstood.

233. Trust in His justice of the peace as he is our witness, advocate and judge whose sentence is

always in unceasing love.

234. Today's sound bites open close with as lights and soon go out.

235. The Bible is a personal love letter to you with words taking hold of your spirit; therefor

eternally yours written in your soul.

236.We are exposed to too many words but not to thought.

237. Those poor souls who cannot conceive, or believe in an after life do not know who goes

before their life.

238. A poet can rarely teach the soul or reach the heart by example though his words have

posterity and humanity.

239.Those who sell their old body or soul for a price may become soul lovers in a new body

of the redeemed.

240. The great writers know the inward laws;Pascal, Stendahl, Proust. The second rate know only

the outward appearances.

241. Expecting the good as love matches what is understood.

242.  Words do not measure up or offer the pleasure of the Incarnate infinite Word wedded to us

from the beginning of the Logos.

243. God is love constantly reaching out; that is his nature for every creature.

244. God cannot but love, ever withhold it ,to beseech in love, denote, quote in love or teach love.

245. Jesus love widens as it enlivens.

246. We live in love as forgiveness speaks in our age against any idolatry of speech.

247. The only shield you need is held by God on the same field protecting you.

248. When I write a play, poem or story God is living in me and I am living in the scene, story

and the outlines of the poem.

249. Those who labor in God and live in grace know how to honor their neighbor to face any


250. The awkward may fulfill God's Word in resolution for the New Year by going forward and

will not retreat backward as all things become new.

251. Every moment  of quiet choose to be alone to share with God, and you will not be alone.

252. There is the suffering of being in love with who causes you insufferable pain or sharing the

long suffering pain of God which causes you peace that passes your understanding of it.

253. After a delicious meal the desert recalls the first bite of the appetizer.

254. Every survived Christian needs to be daily revived.

255. The church bell rarely saves one from fearing  or hearing from their own Hell.

256. The answer to any loss is the cross, which is your gain.

257. The post Christian post Zionism culture is now controlled by a sold interest in shares of the

media's humanism and secularism following of fascism and thought control hence is Anti-

Messiah in its desire.

258.We say we love God whom we have not yet seen and our neighbor whom we always see.

259. After we see through state religion and the state of religion, politics, the law, labor,

economics, sex, with all their flaws done to us in the back of our minds but not yet the spirit, we

consider Jesus.

260. We praise in worship, taking off our masks asking the God  of heaven to be raised up in us

without censorship but in expression freely given  and freely forgiven.

261. We are to comfort people and not to be comfortable in our walk. I think of Bonhoeffer.

262. Rules make habits ; using daily muscles of prayers harden our resolve to love our neighbor

as ourselves is our resolution.

263. We bare the long suffering of Messiah, crossing with us at the Red Sea, who later died

buried yet rose as a sign over him with a proclamation in Greek, Latin and Hebrew he was the

King of the Jews offering salvation to the Gentiles, that all people are to be one in loving our

neighbor as ourselves.

264. God is beyond what we can think or pray about because love is transparent in the Messiah's

mind whom believers constantly have in mind as members of the body of Christ.

265. We are already seated as Royalty in Heavenly places wearing crowns and jewels as our

rewards and wear a coat of many colors that God in His mercy affords us.

266. Joseph will meet his brothers as will Jesus will embrace His.

267. The politically correct reject God and direct their  hellish selfish venom on man as well.

268. Judaism with its rabbinical associations and different Talmudic disputations cannot find

its Sanhedrin of Messiah without knowing who God is and who rewards those Hebrews and

Gentiles who seek Him or His love.

269. Christendom is divided by sects or sex but God knows who are His and who loves and serves

Him in Sodom or freedom.

270. It is to the clarity and clarity of His word that the remnant of Israel cling to as the hem of

His garment washes us to make us whole.

271. All departments of replacement theology is the Devil's ideology based on a racialism of

exclusion and a diluted spiritual ideology of false education yet our loving God includes

everyone in his plan of salvation.

272. The world hails, wails ,trails, then nails Jesus when it fails him.

273. Those who plod may also find God.

274. Everyone stands at a loss before the cross.

275. Those with a quarrel also lie on their laurel.

276. The believer has a cross in mind ; the deceiver has chaos in mind.

277. Religions betray their their origin in original sin.

278. Religions double cross those in trouble or loss.

279. Religion originates with Nimrod not God.

280. It is in a Babylonian exile where religion is fertile.

281. We cry out to the Lord to create in us a greater spiritual range, yet it is God who never


282. In the middle ages those who could not function took the language of holy unction, now

at our station in life we choose a liberal education.

283. Each vocation reaches out to teach us to live as the middle ages taught others to die to

themselves as the summary of their education.

284. Why not be nice to sacrifice said the middle ages as the renaissance spoke of exuberance

in every part of life , the dance, romance and the arts.

285. Fashions are always in trouble and with passion on the double.

286. Turning out our thoughts to supplication.

287. A death to introspection makes a new life's direction.

288. The two homeless people I  know are closer to the house of God and share the temple

of the most high shelter of His holy temple.

289. The falsely religious want to replace God's covenant with his people and government by

their own laws.

290. Mass communication has lead to a mindless miscommunication.

291. Germans watched Hitler swill his beer in the beer hall but would not give up a drink, rather

preferred to be punch drunk with power rather than giving up one drink and let countless people

die when they could have counter punched him out.

292. History has no parallel lines.

293. Our own history often moves count clock wise by conditioning.

294. Recognition  begins on the surface of our intention, invention and intervention.

295. Apparitions begin in the morass of our own vision.

296. When you are rapt in attention you can find God or hear his voice above your own.

297. No one seeks to be a visionary only to dispute what is obliged to see and mean.

298. We cannot discern from our own mirror.

299. Forgiveness can outlast a lifetime.

300. Those who recant of idolatry are often enchanted in a life's desire to be free.

301. Our memory of our rebirth contains our long suffering birth pangs for his return.

302. False churches prefer the return of the Inquisitor than the return of Jesus.

303. Those who preach solely the social gospel have their souls bound to Hell not to heaven.

304. No evil said about Daniel.

305. Newton expected the return of Christ in 2060; he obsessed with numbers and predictions in his


306. I fear the awe of God in every arbitrary or contrary line I draw on.

307. We live in the love and service of God in a state of grace or we live in the hatred of the

nation state and in disgrace.

308. The Jewish people, their prophets and King emphasize mercy before anything.

309. Jesus' love even for enemies of God; Marx's hatred for even friends; Freud's attempt at


310. An increase of knowledge said Daniel; an increase of pleasure warned John the Baptist; today

everything is over sexed ,over texted, lax, over taxed, could it be the Lord is returning soon.

311. Love engenders more love for there are no strangers.

312. No one know about anyone else on the earth,only in heaven are truths about us revealed.

313. Everyone's ideas of heaven are like our ideas on earth.

314. I'm always in conversation with the Lord, brother Lawrence reminds us.

315. I use to play kickball by the synagogue before Hebrew studies; on the top of the building


confirmation or Bar Mitzvah, son of the law I met THE Lord of Hosts who has been with me

in constant conversation.

316. I was reciting the psalm 91 and since there were disturbing stone and rocks on Beacon

Street the Lord told me to cross the street, a Chinese woman came out of her condo and said

Wow, look at the giant angels around you. I ran home, very excited about my experience with

The Lord.

317. I started to pray for the country of Burkina Faso when it was Upper Volta, then came the

newsletter from the Handmaidens of the Lord saying revival had broken out in Burkina Faso.

318. The Lord told me, worry is sin; I got a newsletter from Sid Roth saying the same words.

His word is always confirmed in deed and conversation.

318. Praying for Christian Embassy in Israel.

319. My life is recorded in my life's poetry.

320. Yiddish is an aggrieved language between pathos and the human comedy.

Have mercy to me in my struggles for life, Spare me to keep your name before my eyes constantly

Let me hear your Word in stillness and silence. Keep the world from me. Let me live in your

presence ever mindful of your love. Preserve me in your creation and salvation.

322. God brought me to the Temple of the Holy Ghost; he answered all my questions with joy,

there was no question of bi-location or passport; I had all that was needed by the garden of the new

Jerusalem under the Juniper trees, a pleasant breeze, where there was an instant pardon.

323. Lord deliver me from evil, the evil of this current world; Let me reflect your goodness

and bless me with your peace. Amen.

324. Take from me all anxiety,worry and doubt let me instead shout out your name above all

names who takes away all our blame and shame and gives and forgives our loss on your cross.

325. Knowing you is knowing the King, priest, the least and most, boasting in the Holy Ghost.

326. Praising you from my melancholy that I may be raised up in your joy.

327. Nothing is forbidden to you when I do not die to myself, confide, hide or abide my self in you.

328. A poet is a troubled doubled minded worldly soul when only the Word can make him whole.

329. The lost are often double crossed by politics, ethics, sex and religion.

330. Lord show your mercy and joy the twin holy of the holy grail that we will not fail you.

331. Broken and need be heard so we need your spoken Word.

332. When you ask for relief turn to your  once masked belief.

333. Glory falls for those rise in God's eyes.

334. The state can only intimidate or religion humiliate; God can only love.

335. One must still undress after playing chess,tennis or monopoly.

336.To advance the unique you must have technique not by chance.

337.Enough of tired retired revolutionary weapons of totalitarianism,egalitarianism and slogans

of using  armed class, racial or sexual sectarianism which is the back of the face of a defaced,

debased and disgraced fascism.

338. Enough of the marching superiority of armies with solely identity angry body politics,

social tricks in an underground of panegyric  sounding of chthonic mental tricks.

339. Souls search for a vocation or location of love, when it is a relation in and to themselves.

340. Diaries of Chekhov, Pavese, Anne Frank or modern poets expose their souls to man; St. Teresa,

St.Faustina expose their souls to God.

341. The last four letters of familiar as in familiar spirits are liar.

342. It seems Christ and Israel are weeping over the same things, rejoicing over a future revelation

that Jesus and Israel are the light to the nations.

343. Poets and saints are the tormented.

344. In our love for the spiritual we are attacked by our rational and rationale of the Devil who

tries to interfere with our will with fear, contempt and loathing of ourselves. But the love of God

as personified by the poet St. Juan de la Cruz in all his sufferings from spiritual opposing forces

says in so many words I die because I cannot die because I am crucified and have died to myself.

345. The long suffering torment searching for reconciliation on God for consolation.

346. Only with God are their shared long sufferings.

347. Marxism is writing on a table of systems with an improbable result.

348. No one chooses to be a precursor, a rival or a contemporary for their revival.

349.A historian is always a partisan as a religious is sectarian.

350. Everyone asks everyone else to put on their mask.

351. The 19th century knew life was theater; the 20th is on film, the 21st is all an amalgam of a

reality show.

351. The Kurds(Medes) ,Armenians and Jews need their own geographic state. The Lord has a

plan for each of them.

352. Life is theater.

353. The Jews, the original and true Christians,the latter day ones as well.


Born in a time of antisemitism a precious and precocious boy had very little hair but Mrs. Solomon,

from England said to my mother with me in the stroller, "Doesn't your boy ever smile". The kosher

butcher in Boston prophecies about the boy who had no hair, "You will see a great curly hair on

him ,handsome and strong in spirit like Samson."

I took a walk in Franklin Park; a Nazi refugee said ''You Jew, these are my shoes here you cannot sit

down here." This was my first personal experience was fascism , she pretended she was a Jew to

get out of post- war Germany or was accepted  at the airlift as a Jew after the war, but she wanted

every a Jew dead, even a little boy.

I did not understand for my neighborhood was of the Left including those who suffered

during the McCarthy days which were also Stalin's nights remembering even a few who wept for

him who thank God died in 1953, ten years after I was born.

I took up the violin, solfege lessons from my Aunt Sarah Mendes and her aristocratic Yankee

husband Linwood D. Scriven at the Boston music house on Allen St. in the West End  once a

settlement for the tempest tossed Chinese, English speaking , French, African-American and

Polish, Armenian,Christian and Jewish talented children. When the school moved to 251

Commonwealth Avenue it was next to a M.I.T. Fraternity house and the fellows saw me and wanted

to play football with me yet I spent the whole Saturday day not in Temple or at football practice but

in the music school.

On Saturday night I was taken as the  family's young prodigy to The Boston Symphony with

Charles Munch as conductor who lived in Milton with his dog where we moved out of the ghetto

I would wave, knowing a bit about the Occupation and my cousin the premier Mendes-France

who represented Grenoble at the foot of the Alps who in his political platform told the people

how much better was goat milk than wine. This war hero imprisoned by the Nazis formed

the post war Radical Party and when De Gaulle had his putsch in 1968 came to a Brandeis Univ.

to teach politics; I met him and later the French issued a stamp in his honor which I still have.

On the walls of the Mishkan  Tefila where I played kickball with the other boys before Torah study

were the words,"Not by might nor by power but by my spirit saith the Lord. This verse from Zach

4:6 was to intrigue me until my Bar Mitzvah or confirmation when I had an experience with the

Lord at my Bar Mitzvah. Then I went to Church but continued to have fellowship with Jewish and

Christian Zionists. Visited Israel several time, as a boy resembling an angel while Mike Evans

prayed for Prime Minister Begin, the boy summoned me to a building which showed me all the

accoutrements intended for the Third Temple.

At university I took classes with Helen Vendler,whose love for poetry was incalculable and

she enjoyed my poems especially on Auden whom I identified and bonded with.

I began to send my poetry to the small and then more influential reviews, wrote

plays,fiction,maxims, founded the Original theater  and became art director which featured my own

plays at M.I T., TT the Bears, and other venues.

I became more pacifist and wanted a world at peace. I marched with Dr. Martin Luther King.

YESHUA(a play)
At a Roman forum

A First century
Mary Magdalene

Jewish man- All I knew that I needed to be healed and to live in peace.

Mary Magdalene- I gave him my perfume as a love offering and he took away my sins. I long for

Jesus' love.

Barabbas - I fought for a political kingdom as a revolutionary guerrilla against the Roman


Nicodemus- I am a Rabbi now born anew who lived to see the Messiah's way.

Judas - I play all sides of the political , economic and social tricks and sold my soul.

Peter- I am a Jewish fisher of men now.


A modern political couple; Ahab raped countries like Serbia, an ally against German fascism while indifferent to the sufferings of Ruanda; raped many women.
Jezebel tried to take over America extort the nation and abort her babies.Began P.C. Group think
as a political philosophy;  may have murdered off her political foes.

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