Friday, January 1, 2016



Anon- You seem to be an actor in all your plays.

Play- Who else could I be?

Anon- I have come to reward your with recompense for all your hard work, your wit and witness

for your age.

Play- Now that does make sense, but what does it presage?

Anon- You would not be satisfied with rewards, awards or statues or those idols of the stage.

Play- I prefer to engage with my audience.

Anon-  But passing out parts to your audience and having them perform with their own scenarios

was a bit much in their passages of their own pages and languages.

Play- It entertained them did not restrain them, often enraged them what men and women are

really capable and culpable of, it gave to them sometimes their one life times chance to see what

crimes of passion or fashion they really had in their heart.

Anon-  But your repast was carried on for hours ala carte.

Play- They outsmarted themselves with their own pretending ,renderings and endings.

Anon- I do not fear people but what's revealed in their words.

Play- Is that why were you are the anonymous person more than me. I did not look for fame nor

reverence but for a frame of references to get my ideas out.

Anon- Perhaps you were shy of the public and wanted your life to remain private.

Anon- In this world of biology, psychology and technology the observer is really a private eye.

We actually live in a radioactive television broadcasting world serving at a writers's guild our

ratiocinative existence which today is as Rabelaisian a culture of caricature as it was in Rabelais


Play- Do you feel in  a connection to being a renaissance guy an connection to say the Biblical

days? If so how are you connected?

Play- Yes the umbilical cord is a still life at my embryo in genesis causing a small depression;

close to crowning my middle age as the rabbinic confessions of Browning whose portraits

continue to witness to me in his fine art of poetry. That Browning society continues.There is

always a metamorphosis to our soul life as Kafka can testify to. Play writers have to be

detectives of the soul and artists of the drawing rooms.

Anon- You seem to have a strong connection to French culture.

Play-   French fits as a glove in a hand as the language of poetry, and having famous Sephardic

relatives from my mother's Mendes side of the family helps.

Anon- You write a lot about the Occupation in the war.

Play-  How I cannot have a disposition and preoccupation on the lives of treachery and bravery in

the French time of testing. I also write many plays about relationships between victims of

German citizens faced with fascism, nationalism and national socialism.

Anon- Some critics say you are more catholic than many Catholics,more Protestant than many

Protestants, more Jewish than many Jewish people.

 Play-  I am Catholic in outlook, Protestant in my protestations, and Jewish in my views.

Anon- Can you elaborate more, to clarify your position. This will not be an inquisition.

Play-  I believe in a universal search, reformist minded church and a Hebraic sensibility.

Anon- How do you begin your days?

Play-  Being a violinist with Bach and Handel. I end them with jazz violin.

Anon- You have written many plays. Did you enjoy performing them as well.

Play- Yes, I, like Hitchcock usually did a cameo in my plays.

Anon- Do you separate your plays, prose and maxims into religious or secular categories.

Play- No I'm a complex person and find writing for the theater therapeutic.

Anon- Which writers influenced you?

Play- Pascal, Proust, Eliot, Auden ,Firbank...

Anon- You seem Firbankian in your persona.

Play- I was into high camp, something has gone after Firbank, although there are attempts

in the film genre of Warhol, Waters, Greenaway, or Dusty Springfield in popular culture variety

I'm familiar with.  My days in the early 1990's of theater arts having my own "Original Theater"

were very exciting and rewarding. I also enjoy working on my maxims ,reviews and interviews.

Thank you.

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