Friday, January 1, 2016


(A one-act play)

A. Anna
B. Barney
the Saint Bernard-Bogart
Romain, a detective
Robot named Robot

A. You have kept me in the dark since our marriage here in the Village.

B. Do you think you can escape from me. I own you and your bitch Bogart. I have this killing machine Robot named Robot next to you with the button on already for your dreaded destruction.

A. I am living in fear and terror;here I was in high school when you picked me up and you are torturing me every moment.I can't seem to escape being the kept one.

B. I was kept in an orphanage at your age. I planned escapes every moment of my life.

A. So this is your life long theme of revenge.

B. Call it what you want, hell, no relief, terrorism, a blockage of exists, you exist only because of me.

A. You are a control freak of nature.

B. And you are my mother, sister or loser,whatever eats you alive.

A. Set the record straight, if I could ever record you.

B. Would you reward me if I let you go.

A. It's your ego which won't leave you.

B. Why don't you stop smearing or daring me.

A. You watch me at home, visit me when I use to work; I'm not allowed any friends, even Bogart is on watch from you. If you are on as a TV. news anchor, everyone in the country know you but not about you. If they only knew you as I do.

B. No one will ever know; I've seen to it.

A.You are legendary only to those who live in a mythology of your history.

B. I'm unable to live with or without you. So you are locked in with no invention.

A. You have put me under your feet but you too conventionally will be obsolete.

B. You are high wired but with one switch if you snitch are will be fired.

A. So is that your  final sentence before you go off to your job screwing other people by giving out the big lie on the news.

B. I report the headlines and deadlines for you. You eloped with me a rich bastard with a belly at your high school graduation where you gave your valedictory address, then I took you out to give me an heir in nine months and then I chained you here. As you know Romaine belongs to me.

A. He is only lettuce to you but you've made me a into your cabbage patch doll but soon Romaine and I will be free. I named Romaine after the detective who is helping me.

B. I saw him making eyes at you.

A. No one knows the horror of living with control freak.

B. You're tied up now for the day. You are my keepsake, the kept one.

A. We're all chained to the past, like the baby carriage which passed us by when you left our our baby in a church basement.

B. You were not ready to be a mother, then or now. You're only eighteen.

A. I will find him.

B. Can you see a future apart from me, Anna.

A. It doesn't look it, Barney.

Barney ties Anna up.

B. Now we're as tight since that night we married.

A. I wish I could escape. Here I am with books of knowledge but with your third degree and I am your slave.

B. I  instructed you how to behave.

A. Go to hell.

B. Do you want a massage.

A. Don't rub it in. I get the message.

B. You always have Bogart with you.

A. You are my pet peeve not Bogart.

B. So don't try to hit and run like you always do.

A. How can I escape as events pass me by and a man I thought was a gent wants me not to live or die.

B. Welcome to the human race. Have a great day.

The door closes.

Anna instructs Bogart to untie the ropes as she done for over three years.,yet Anna escapes to another city with Bogart only to be kidnapped and taken away.

B. Now with my new invention you cannot get away. It's robotic and obeys me. Don't you. Robo you are ordered at my beck and call.

A. I have alerted the police; you won't get away with it. Lincoln freed the slaves.

B. Who needs our friendship,a loveless marriage. I keep you in check along with a few others for fun ,who know I'm no cakewalk.

A. You're a creep.

B. Now open up to me.

A. No I've closed you out.

B. I will be back but you won't be anything but a kept woman.

Barney touches a button on Robot, who proceeds to put his arm on Anna and then kills Anna.

Romain, the detective gets a secret call and brings her baby, disarms Robot and arrests Barney for the murder of Anna.

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