Thursday, January 14, 2016

(for my mother, Betty
at her 98th birthday,Jan. 16)

An unborn nest from the hill
cries out from a voice
of small birds calling out
between a Vermont valley
and Green Mountains
writing my pond poem
with a skeptical pen with words
barely covered with icy frost
the sky wakes up for you
as you sing  to yourself
by the distilled fountain
with twenty winks of memory
fulfilling your morning alert
for your last day dream cry
still gazing up from my miracle
near the evergreen branches
by the ski loft by thanking
an angel of Israel
for saving our lives when
we children fell on an avalanche
wanting to understand
why the lichen rocks are disguised
in a dawn's flakiness of snow
as we slowly climb down
from the shadows lift
through snow flakes branches,
soon unborn trees will bloom
and blossom in a spring garden
from childhood's cold frosty path
as sounds will echo even at night
from an unwise twelve year old
with new year red mittens
hikes down White Mountains
asking pardon for a nature
lost in a morning's forest
wanting to have Apple Betty
and toll house cookies
or lemon and lime pie
to dwell in my mother's kitchen
through shadows of first light
in the wellspring of time.

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