Monday, January 25, 2016


With a generous fur
of gentleness
yet apparently snug
my kitten murmurs to me
asking for a hug
here in a late winter storm
as icicles stretch out
along the Coastal highway
near frozen river beds
of the hinterland
in the woods
daytime traffic abounds
as our eyes do a double stop
at the red signal
by hanging lanterns
of travelling by street lights
Athena purrs on the rug
in the front of the car
to keep blanket warm
along Crane's sandy beach
I'm taking off my mittens
and get out in the air
to jog along
an expanse of waves
not worrying
how Athena behaves
near snowy Elms
watching two song birds
along the barrier waves
of a blue Atlantic pier
sing out in the clearing
as it starts to rain
in the January air.

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