Wednesday, January 6, 2016

(Jan. 5, 2015)

Your serious serial music
plays on from ethereal
sonic booms
making one delirious
from your electronic themes
deconstructing the past
assumes a new modernity
alighting Big Apple clouds
as shadows
of my early wintry dreams
at the cold snowy windows,
yet an adorning sun enfolds us
in your bereavement today
inviting and reinventing
Boulez's atonal vision
showing charming shadows
of a rhythm's acoustic tempo
watching you conducting
the Philharmonic as a boy
my uncle having the score
on my lap and legs
today no shroud can hold you
or begs more at your loss
as heads toss
from your vast audience
in France to intoxicate us
you supplant your notes
from your disarming baton
as critics note the transparency
from a feverish symphony
waiting at the visitor's room
for you to sign your autograph
on my concert program.

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